
Attention Span of student.

In recent decades, there has been a noticeable decline in students' attention spans. This reduction poses challenges for effective learning and engagement.

Why the reduction in attention span?

Excessive screen time on devices, coupled with the overflow of information, poses challenges to attention spans and makes it difficult to focus on specific tasks or subjects.

Fast learning with short form Content

Engaging short-form content that captures and sustains the student's attention effectively.

Get access to a new dimension of learning through our AI Powered teachers. Seamlessly interact with these Virtual Avatars to receive instant answers to your domain-specific questions, available at your convenience.

Virtual labs

Extend the boundaries of imagination by conducting experiments without consequences.

Personalised AI Assistants

Let students explore their curiosity by interacting with a personalised teacher available 24x7.

Lets build a personalised solution for you

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We create experiences that help you learn new skills effortlessly.

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Lets build a personalised solution for you. Whatever you can imagine will be brought to life by our team of experts without any hassle.

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How much would it cost to setup a VR Lab?

We offer two packages to setup a VR Lab for you organization. Basic Package - There is Zero Cost involved from our end to setup a VR Lab. You just have to buy the hardware which we can assist you in procuring.

Premium Package - If you want to setup the entire XR Facility at your organization which will include PCVR, VR, AR and MR or a combination of any of the above, Premium Package is for you. We create custom lab, layout plans, hardware specs required and a complete plan to make sure the lab is up and running without any hassle.

What are the hardware required to setup a XR Lab?

Setting up Standalone VR Lab - You only need to buy a VR Headset to set up a Standalone VR Lab which ranges from $300-$4000 depending on your requirements.

Setting up a PCVR Lab - You need to buy a Computer which is compatible to run with the Headsets. This computer can cost $1000-$2000 depending on the complexity of the applications you would run on these systems. This is in addition to procuring headsets.

How much does a headset cost?

You can chose from various headsets in the market depending on your requirements. Headsets range from $300 - $4000.

How can it help my School?

Schools/Universities : In an era of shortened attention spans, Immersive Technologies captivate students by creating focused learning environments that eliminate external distractions, ensuring deep engagement and enhanced comprehension.